Bum-Tsok Offering

Once or twice a year, Menri Monastery and Redna Menling Nunnery perform the Bum Tsok Offering of 100,000 tormas to Sidpe Gyalmo. This year it begins on April 18, 2021

You are invited to participate in this ritual by making your donation via the PayPal link at the bottom of this page.

100% of your donation is spent by Menri Monastery for this ritual. H.H. Lungtok Dawa Dargye and H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima have both authorized Khyungdzong Wodsel Ling to collect contributions from Bön students and friends around the world.

This is a wonderful opportunity to cleanse obstacles in your life and is a blessing for the months ahead. All names are written on the chalkboard at the entrance of the temple as shown in the example below from 2012 Bum Tsok. Many people make a donation in the name of loved ones, families, business and organizations – even for the world at large.

Menri Monastery and Redna Menling Nunnery face each other across the beautiful valley in Dholanji. Each simultaneously prepares and performs the ritual in their respective temples while lay people are circumambulating outside while chanting the Sidpe Gyalmo prayer. The protector temple too has its own special prayers.

Every morning freshly made and painted tormas are placed on the altars and piles of breads and cookies are arranged on tables. At the end of the day these blessed goodies are passed out to all participants and lay people.

All offerings received by April 18 will be forwarded to Menri Monastery for this event. All money received after that date will be held until the next Bum-Tsok. These special offerings are only done once or twice a year so please submit your offerings ASAP.