Completed Projects


Nepal Earthquake Relief

After April 2015’s devastating earthquake in Nepal, KWL raised approximately $10,000 for relief efforts. Menri Lopon toured his home region of Dolpo in October 2015 but it was too dangerous to visit the Bonpo villages with the greatest amount of earthquake damage and the government had cut off access to these areas. Therefore, members of the three main Bonpo families from the region, the Gurung, Tamang and Yolmo families, came to Kathmandu to meet with Menri Lopon. He gave these representatives the earthquake relief funds raised by KWL with the understanding that they would go back to their villages and use the funds as needed for food, shelter and repairs.
Thank you all for your generous donations to Menri Lopon’s earthquake relief effort.

Ancient Texts Project

One of Menri Lopon’s personal projects has been to write a comprehensive dictionary translating ancient Zhang Zhung Language into Tibetan. His special knowledge of the essence of the language and teachings is sought after by Bön and Zhang Zhung scholars, teachers and students around the world.

Recently a treasury of Ancient Bön texts have been found by two scholars from Lentru Northwest University in China. The 31 different texts containing 560 chapters were kept safe by dozens of Tibetan families. They are at least 1,600 years old – the oldest Bön texts every discovered. More information about this discovery can be found on our “News” page.

The value of these texts are immeasurable for researchers of the ancient Bön tradition – and in this case immeasurable for Lopon’s work on his Zhang Zhung – Tibetan dictionary. Copies have been made available to scholars. With your help KWL raised over $3600 toward the purchase of these texts for Lopon. Thank you.

Sock Project

Warm socks are always needed and appreciated, especially in the winter. KWL raised over $1400 and provided every monk, nun and child at Menri with new socks this past November. Socks were delivered by a group of US students who went to Menri on retreat. In fact, enough money was raised that we also provided new socks to all the monks at BonGya monastery in Tibet as well!